Meher Baba Note Cards
This note card collection contains 16 cards, 16 envelopes, and two each of the eight images and quotes by Meher Baba below.
Please contact Greg Rosen for purchase inquiries.
(1) Meher Baba and Mehera Easter Sunday Meher Spiritual Center
“The perennial spring of imperishable sweetness is within everyone.”
Meher Baba

(2) Meher Baba Bathing Leper Saint Gadge Maharaj Assisting Pandharpur, November 7 1954
“The real untouchable are those who cannot enter the temple of their own hearts to see the lord there in.”
Meher Baba

(3) Meher Baba with Mast at Rahuri 1937
“God does not listen to the language of the tongue. He does not listen to the language of the mind. He responds to the language of the heart.”
Meher Baba

(4) Meher Baba at the Meher Spiritual Center, July 28 1956
“The ideal prayer to the lord is nothing more than a spontaneous praise of his being.”
Meher Baba

(5) Blue Bus Tour Meher Baba holding Nubien Goat Alwar, Rajasthan, February 8, 1939
“When the surface of the lake is still, it reflects the stars. When the mind is tranquil it reflects the nature of the soul as it is.”
Meher Baba

(6) Meher Baba at Guruprasad Poona September 1957
“You and I are not we but One.”
Meher Baba

(7) Meher Baba London, September, 30 1931
“Things that are real are given and received in silence.”
Meher Baba

(8) Meher Baba with Pet Donkey Champa
“True humility is strength not weakness. It disarms antagonism and ultimately conquers it.”
Meher Baba